Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Is Linspire dead?

 We have had many questions as to whether Linspire is still under active development.  It is.  When Linspire 14 Service Pack 1 was released we said that we were changing our development times.  Linspire would see new releases every 16 months and Xandros would get a 24 month release schedule.  As explained before we did this because we build our products on stability rather than "shiny and new" As we support school systems and commercial customers they dont upgrade every 6 months.

Linspire 14 Service Pack 2 will be released this month, Xandros 2025.6 will be released in June.  Linspire 15 will be released in October based on the 2024.04 LTS as we usually wait a year for bugs and everything to be worked out on new LTS releases.

We are constantly working on new stuff and we have a core group of beta testers and Linsiders who work on pre-release builds so we make sure we dont break anything that our customers need to work.

Linspire is not dead.


Linspire 14 Service Pack 2 released

Today the development staff are collectively pleased to announce the release of Service Pack 2 an update to Linspire 14. SP2 focuses on sec...