Monday, May 29, 2023

Linspire 12 Service Pack 1 Release

Today the Linspire development team is pleased to announce the release of Linspire 12 Service Pack 1.  Linspire is our premier commercial desktop Linux product for home users, small business users and freelance developers.  Linspire is a powerhouse for users who want a stable and easy to install release of Linux and is compatible with all types of hardware.  Our backwards compatibility with systems 7 years old and is supported on recycled or new modern hardware.  Linspire 12 SP1 is our latest improvements to the Linspire release.  As always we aim to create the best desktop Linux distribution on the market and we strive to continue that excellence.  While there have been many improvements under the hood one of the major changes you will notice is in the user interface.  While yes, the desktop environment that we use is GNOME many of our users and customers have told us that they want the more traditional user interface that is not so different from Windows 10 or Windows 11 and in this release we have delivered that.  You have your classic "dock" as well as "start" menu.  If you prefer the traditional GNOME 4 layout its easy to switch back.

As always we have also worked on security and reliability.  This release also fixes many of the core bugs that came about from our initial released.

Linspire 12 Service Pack 1 is not only for productivity its also built for anyone who produces or consumes multimedia.  With support for all multimedia codecs, you are unlimited in the formats you decide to use or consume.

Here is a list of some of the important changes:

  • Kernel 5.19.0-42
  • OnlyOffice 7.3
  • Etcher 1.8
  • Microsoft Edge Web browser 113
  • Thunderbird  102
  • Powershell
  • OpenJDK
  • .NET Core 7
  • VS Code 1.78
  • Powershell 7.3.4
  • Discover Software Store
  • Muon Package Manager
  • Flatpak

All security updates up to May 23, 2023.  For a full list of packages included you can read that here

There are many in the Linux community who have expressed concern regarding our use of Microsoft applications in Linspire.  These tools are provided for familiarity and ease of use.  We in NO WAY provide any information to Microsoft or any third party.  We do not provide customer data including 

  • System Specs 
  • Customer names 
  • Private Information 
  • Payment Details 
  • Contents of individual contracts
  • Technical support information

If you do not wish to use the Microsoft tools they are simple to remove and you can add any alternatives that you wish to use.

Current customers can perform a system update and get the new update.  If you need a new ISO please contact the support team.  New users can order the digital download below and/or physical media from our webstore

Linspire Download Edition

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