Friday, March 31, 2023

2023 Tax Season with Linspire

Tax season is upon us folks once again, and this being our  7th year partnering with Turbotax and with H&R Block Linspire users can now prepare their returns effectively and efficiently.  Both applications have been thoroughly tested with the Linspire 12 and PC/OS OpenDesktop 22.04 so you can rest assured that all your preparation tasks can be completed.

Our Lead System designer and developer Roberto Dohnert had this to say, " Its that time of year again.  The complexity of these apps year after year grows with more amazing features; testing grows just as complex.  We have worked with these companies to standardize and improve their progressive web apps year after year.  We are very proud to work with these companies to make sure desktop Linux just works."


H&R Block

If you are still running legacy systems like Windows 8/10/11 on your PC or any Intel based Mac and would like to upgrade you can purchase Linspire here.

If your order the box set over the Digital Download in order notes type "TaxPrep" to ensure 48-hour shipping

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Linspire 14 Service Pack 2 released

Today the development staff are collectively pleased to announce the release of Service Pack 2 an update to Linspire 14. SP2 focuses on sec...