Monday, December 21, 2020

Linspire 10 Public Beta 1 Release

Today the PC/OpenSystems Development team is pleased to announce the Public beta for release 10, the next chapter in the Linspire story. Along with updated branding and design we have made significant advancements that once again proves - if there was ever any doubt - Linspire is the number one Linux distribution for new, intermediate and power users. Release 10 utilizes the latest LTS from Canonical (20.04) as well as our own improvements to the kernel and application base. Since this is a public beta we do not recommend that it be employed in any type of production environments; for those kind of workloads, our tested and stable release Linspire 9.5.1 is ready and able. Please feel free to submit any and all feedback to : 

New features found in Linspire 10: 

Kernel 5.4.0-58 
Native UEFI Booting 
XFCE 4.14 
Dark Mode now the default 
Bash 5 
Google Chrome 87 
Thunderbird + Lightning and Exchange support 68.12 
App Cafe Software Center 
.NET Core 5 
Powershell 7.1.0 
Timeshift system backup and restore 
Gdebi package installer 
Onlyoffice 6.1.0 
ice SSB 6.0.4 
Thunar folder sharing 
Samba 4 

 Some features have not yet been enabled 

DVD and Blu-Ray playback 
Some multimedia codecs are missing 
5.8 kernel (Public Beta 2)

You can download the Public Beta from here:

Linspire 14 Service Pack 2 released

Today the development staff are collectively pleased to announce the release of Service Pack 2 an update to Linspire 14. SP2 focuses on sec...