Monday, December 21, 2020

LindowsOS Lifetime Insider Program

 Today we are announcing that effective immediately we will be honoring legitimate LindowsOS Lifetime Memberships from Linspire Inc.  Because we have limited information on those purchases there are some caveats to that.

1.  We have already contacted Lifetime members whose information has been  preserved and whose e-mails and contact numbers we have on file.

2.  To restart your LindowsOS lifetime membership if we dont have your information.  You will have to present a legitimate receipt and we will honor it.

3.  If you dont have a receipt and we cannot verify your information you will have to enroll in our new Linspire Lifetime Membership program for $150.99 which entitles you to self support downloads of Linspire.

Contact for more information


  1. I emailed the listed email address and provided copies of my original emails from when I bought my Lindows Lifetime Membership before it rebranded as Linspire. I have yet to ever get a response for my email request to please assist me with restarting my lifetime membership.

    I was a big fan of Lindows/Linspire, and would like to be able to download new releases for the retail version.

    Thank You

  2. I too purchased the Lindows/Linspire Lifetime Membership before it was rebranded (Linspire / Xandros and now back to Linspire). and have tried threw every owner of Lindows that I too want my lifetime membership restored.


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