Saturday, October 20, 2018

Linspire 8.0 RC1 Released

Today we are pleased to release RC1 of Linspire 8. As we approach our December release, huge strides in stability and functionality have been made with the release candidate. Even so, it should be used for testing only, not on production systems


What we have fixed :

 1). Convertible PC docking issues - some users had reported that Linspire 8 tablets detached from the base would work correctly, but when reattached would no longer work. This particular bug has been isolated and fixed.

2). iMac Pro support - has been greatly improved. There were reports of installation issues on that particular model with the latest Linspire.

3). Gdebi - removed; the Linspire software center is fully capable of installing stand-alone packages. As always, power users can still install packages from the command line dpkg -i.

4). Oracle Java now in the repositories - Java 8 and 10 are available due to a bug with Netbeans. If you need Netbeans support you can install Java 8 which is required. Linspire Server 2018 r2 is the ONLY Linux server distribution offering Java as a pre-installed option.

 What we haven’t :

1). Pixelbook support - the RC is not quite ready yet; several lingering issues prevent clean installation.

2). Surface 6 support - not ready in time for the Gold release but possibly with Linspire 8 SP1, later next year. Some users have requested minimal install options.

We will be offering Linspire Core and Linspire together; when purchased, the customer will receive either two USB keys / two links to download. Linspire Core will only come with a Web browser and Cockpit preinstalled - no games, productivity apps or multimedia apps. These can be added through the Software center.

 Linspire 8 RC1 contains the following package improvements :

 Kernel 4.15.0-36
MATE 1.20.1
Libreoffice 6.1.2
Google Chrome 69
Audio - Video Player

 Linspire 8 RC2 will be released in November and will be more feature-complete.

You can download RC1 from here

Linspire 14 Service Pack 2 released

Today the development staff are collectively pleased to announce the release of Service Pack 2 an update to Linspire 14. SP2 focuses on sec...